The human body is
surrounded both by an Aura and by an etheric force field of oval shape.
Auras are very important.
Knowing not only how to see Auras, but also how to read them can help in many
areas. One of the Aura's layers can show illness before it materializes in the
physical body, so you can treat it before ever actually getting ill.
You can also see people's
moods, thoughts and intentions, which of course is very important since by
being able to see and read their Aura you will not fall prey to possible lies
and deceit. This could also help you find the person who is at the same
spiritual level as you are – Aura will show their level of spiritual knowledge.
Additionally, there are
certain principal points in the Aura. By matching the colors of those points
in, for example, choosing the colors of cloth or wallpaper, people can improve,
or maintain their good health as well as mental balance. In case with the
wallpaper or bedding, the vibrations emanating from their colors will exercise
their influence even while you sleep.
I read about Auras when I
was about 16 years old. But I never actually thought that every person is able
to learn to see them until I was 20 years old. It was the time when due to some
incorrect choices I'd made, I lost my health, I also became disappointed in the
current capitalistic world and it was just a tiny bit of me that clung to the
idea that if I'd proven to myself the existence of Auras, it would show that
other spiritual things might actually exist as well, which would mean that
there is still something good out there worth living for, in spite of all the
problems I had back then.
It was autumn of 2008 when
I Googled "how to see Auras" and the first search result was website, where Dr. Tom Chalko writes about Auras and Discharge Visualization
technique (GDV).
He's got a concentration
exercise ( that he says should help with learning to see Auras.
The idea of the technique is to train yourself to use your both brain
hemispheres simultaneously. I tried practicing it for some time but it didn't
quite work as far as Auric vision is concerned. But it did help me realize that
I can control different parts of my brain, meaning I could "shift my
awareness" from my right hemisphere to my left one and vice versa. I knew
that a different hemisphere was being active because each time I switched them
I saw a different colored circle. The problem I've got with that exercise is
that you have to make weird, crossed eyes in order for it to work - it's
somewhat painful and doesn't seem too natural. Also, Michel Desmarquet's account of his experience with Auras on Thiaoouba showed that it was apparently
by simply activating his pineal gland that he could start perceiving Auras.
On a side note – you could
also activate your other brain hemisphere by, for example, drawing or writing
with your left hand if you're right-handed. The latter is what I did. I'd
always wrote with my right hand in school. This was my first attempt and I
failed. My left hand was not cooperating. Then I concentrated on my brain's
right hemisphere in order to activate it. And sure enough, I IMMEDIATELY was
able to write with my left hand as well as I could with my right one.
I also discovered a similar conscious switching of the
cerebral hemispheres when I looked at photographs of Martian dunes and craters
on the moon. The activation of one hemisphere made the dunes gullies in my mind
- the opposite of reality, and the other active hemisphere made it possible to
perceive the dunes as they are in reality - hills that rise above the surface.
It may seem strange how absolutely the same photo can
be interpreted in completely different ways by our minds, but if you look at
the photo carefully, you will understand that those craters, for example, could
really be domes if the sun was shining on them from the other side. This
teaches that one should not always rely on perception.
I started to search for
other techniques on how to see Auras. One such technique talked about sitting
in front of a mirror in a relaxed state with your eyes being unfocused and each
looking behind your left and right ear respectively – the left eye looks behind
the left ear and the right looks behind the right ear. You don't strain your
eyes and you as if imagine that the information from them goes to your front
area of the brain. It may sound too complicated but it's not that hard to do. So,
during one of my exercises I was able to do just that and keep my concentration
for some time when suddenly two static layers appeared around my head and
shoulders. The first layer near my body was of purple color and the second,
further away, of dark blue. For some time I thought that it was for sure my
Aura, due to some part that those were my favorite colors and some time ago I
bought a bedding set of exactly the same dark blue color as I saw in the second
layer. I was as if drawn to that color when I was choosing the bedding set; and
when I went to bed, I started to feel how one of my chest chakras started
spinning fast. The sensation of fluid was very apparent in that area. The first
purple layer also reminded me of the golden halo that surrounds saints in the
drawings, for the shape appeared to be very similar.
When I was re-reading
Thiaoouba Prophecy I started to realize that I might have confused the Aura
with the etheric force field. From Michel Desmarquet's account the Aura is like
flames of fire vibrating and dancing around the body. Also, one of my dreams
with Thao hinted that it was not the Aura that I saw in the mirror. And indeed,
as I later found out, what I'd seen was the first two layers of the etheric
force field. Thao did hint that some people can confuse the vibrations of the
etheric force field with the vibrations of the Aura. I was one of those people
and in a way I'm glad for that, because now people watching this video and
taking all that is being said seriously can learn from my mistakes.
All I know about the
etheric force field is that people can learn to see it and that it consists of
many layers which surround our physical body. The layer near the body looks
very much like a person's shape, while the outermost layer is of oval shape. The
etheric force field comprises, in part, electricity and, to a greater extent,
vibrations that Thiaooubians call Ariacostinaki. These vibrations occur
continuously for our protection while we are alive.
As for the actual Aura,
after other exercises I started to perceive some energy like forms all around
my body and around other objects in the room. They looked exactly like the
Auras on pictures taken with the kirlian camera. Unfortunately, I was never
able to keep my concentration in order to keep that vision for a long time.
Sometimes those energies, or Auras, appear and disappear in waves. I don't know
why that happens.
Also, I noticed that there always
was a color that seemed to lit all the room around me. If my thoughts or mood
changed, the color would also change simultaneously. I did several experiments
when I, somewhat like an actor, would bring myself into a different state of
being by saying specific words: e.g. one set could contain such words as joy,
happiness, laughter, love, and the other words like death, pain, murder, blood,
suffering. That ambient color around me would change immediately along with my
mood and thoughts I had.
The meaning of the colors
found on the internet also matched the way I felt during my experiments. For
example when I was thinking about joy and happiness the color was yellow and I
felt very happy, joyful and light in my body – I fact, I could not sense my
physical body, but the moment I was saying words like money, cars, office and
other materialistic words, my Aura turned to red and my body instantly felt
heavy, as well as my mind. I usually have purple color signifying spiritual
thoughts, which is very logical since I see it while I'm sitting in front of
the mirror with the intent to see Auras. One other time, when I was trying to
see my Aura in the mirror, I was in a fully focused and relaxed state of mind –
I was here and now, as they say, having no internal thoughts whatsoever. Then
the ambient Aura appeared and it was for the first time of sky-blue color. When
I read its meaning on a website – it corresponded with the mood I was in at the
moment of observing that Aura color.
Also I had one instant when
the light in my room flickered suddenly by either my Higher Self or Thao as a
response and punishment to the question I asked – it is a topic for another
time, though; it scared me because I was taken by surprise – that light had
never flicked before, there are no reasons for that to happen – and when that
happened, the color of my Aura changed right away to dark red from the yellow I
had. That moment made me finally realize that this is also Aura and I shouldn't
have doubts about that.
I wish I could show you the
illustrations drawn by "OR-RAR-DAN" based on Michel Desmarquet's
multiple descriptions, but due to copyright reasons I cannot. Although you will
be able to find those illustrations in the Russian translation of Thiaoouba
Prophecy titled "Тиауба: Золотая Планета" (iBooks, Amazon, Google Play). Nevertheless, I've made this representation for
you, since the subject is important.
![]() |
7 Thaori by Evgeny Meshkov |
If you were to look at the drawing of the
seven Thaori made by "OR-RAR-DAN" you would see that there are two
halos: gold and yellow surrounding each personage. I could be wrong but in my
opinion the first layer is the golden halo, and the second one is the layer
that is changing in color according to our current mood and mental state; and
since they completely surround the head of a person – it's like having tinted
sunglasses on - it appears like the whole space around you is lit by a specific
One other significant
experience I had with Auras was trying to concentrate on my pineal gland when I
was lying in bed ready to fall asleep. I did that because during my previous
exercises I noticed that if I concentrated on the pineal gland, the Aura would
start to be visible. But I wasn't able to keep my concentration. Nonetheless,
that night I managed to fall asleep having shifted my awareness to my pineal
gland hoping to activate it. When I woke up in the morning and opened my eyes,
I was seeing Auras dancing around my bed and the furniture in my room. It was
exactly as Michel Desmarquet described them. Unfortunately, I got
overwhelmingly excited very soon because of what I was seeing and I lost that
Auric vision. Due to some personal reasons I've never seriously tried that
experiment again.
Till this day that was the
best experience I've had with learning to see Aura.
One other thing I'd like to
tell you is that every person has golden halo around their head. But it is only
really obvious in the most highly spiritual people and in those who have
sacrificed themselves in order to help someone else. The halo resembles a
golden mist, much like painters used to depict the haloes of ‘saints’ and of
Christ. The haloes were included in their paintings because, in those times,
some of the artists actually saw them. So, a gold color in the
Aura means spiritual thoughts. And the color pink in the
Aura is the color of love.
From the free eBook
"Thiaoouba Prophecy" it's also known that the Aura vibrates
constantly with colors that vary. At the top of our head is a veritable bouquet
of colors, where almost all the colors we know are represented.
Some colors of the Aura
shine very strongly, and some colors could be dull – for example, if someone
has poor health or bad intentions. When we speak and think of materialism the
colors become somewhat dull and 'dirty' as well.
Dull, not very bright Aura
generally indicates that a person is not very evolved spiritually. But it could
also indicate sadness.
I would also like to share
with you one interesting experiment I have done concerning colors. After
reading Thiaoouba Prophecy I wanted to learn about many things mentioned in the
book. One of them was an experiment Thaora mentioned to Michel. The experiment
had to with a man who was able to lift a certain weight and it was established
that he would consistently lose 30% of his strength after staring for a moment
at a pink-colored screen. I decided to conduct a similar experiment by myself.
I have two rubber hand expanders which I used to measure my strength. Obviously,
it was a rough estimate but as you'll see later it was more than enough. I took
note of my first squeezing attempt without looking at any colors. I was able to
partially squeeze the rubber expander but not to the end. Then I started
staring at certain colors on my laptop's screen for a minute and right after
that I would attempt to squeeze the hand expander. In some cases, I could
barely squeeze the expander, while in others I was able not only to squeeze the
expander almost till the two rubber sides touched one another, but I could also
hold the expander without exerting any strength as long as I kept looking at
the color on my screen. What's astonishing is that after that I tried to look
at the color which lowered my strength and sure enough, I could barely squeeze
the expander and couldn't hold it for long. I felt weak. Right after that I
looked at the color that gave me more strength and once again I would be able
to squeeze my rubber expander down the whole way as if it was nothing. What's
good about this experiment is that everyone can try and replicate it. Perhaps
you will need to buy a hand expander though, or you could replace it with
something else that can show how strong you are. If you buy a hand expander for
this purpose you might want to test it in the store and pick the one that you
can squeeze about half way. This will ensure that you will clearly see the
results. Also, the colors which give and take away the strength might, and
probably do, very from mine.
There was one time when I
got interested with the idea of combining the colors of cloth with those of the
Aura in order improve your health or maintain good health. Even though I never
saw the colors of my Aura and didn’t know which are the primary colors for me,
I decided to use the colors I saw in my etheric force field – purple, dark
blue, yellow and lime. I saw those colors after staring near my palm on a black
background. I ended up painting a white t-shirt with the paint for cloth,
here’s its rough sketch. I don’t remember feeling any difference when I put it
on – remember that I didn’t chose the colors from my Aura. I decide to sleep in
that shirt. What happened is when I woke up in the middle of the night, I could
see the colorful pattern that I painted on the shirt in front of my closed
eyes. When I opened my eyes, the colors were gone. I had to wash the shirt
because of the paint was all over my body and I didn’t feel comfortable in it. Unfortunately,
the washing up made the purple color almost pink and the other colors got
washed out and dull as well. I didn’t like the colors anymore. When I put the t-shirt
on, I felt as the feeling of weakness was overwhelming me. Very fast I took the
shirt off. The same thing happened when I made other attempts to put that
t-shirt on – so I never wear it. Even though the experiment ended up not very
successfully, it showed me once again that the colors really can, and do,
affect our health. So, it’s best to choose the cloth painted with the colors
that you actually like. Women are currently more advantageous than men in this regard
since they have much more cloth color variants to choose from. I also try to stay
clear from grey and black colors – after wearing colorful cloth I start feel
slight discomfort if I put a black cloth on.
It's worth mentioning that
several scientists have been conducting research on Aura, and they were also
able to photograph its first layers. Techniques to diagnose human's health
based on their Aura have also been developed.
I hope that more and more
people will learn about Auras and they will one day become commonplace in
people's lives.
P.S. The book "Thiaoouba Prophecy" can additionally be downloaded from Google Drive and Yandex Drive
P.S. The book "Thiaoouba Prophecy" can additionally be downloaded from Google Drive and Yandex Drive
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