June 10, 2023

Arabic Numerals - Thiaooubian Numbers


Hi all!

The subject of this short video is Arabic numerals - or Thiaooubian numerals to be precise - and my little experience with them. The material of this video is based on knowledge from the book by Michel Desmarquet Thiaoouba: The Golden Planet.

Initially, Arabic numerals had angles. Zero is a circle, and every other digit has angles equal to its numerical value. For example, the unit has one corner, and the number nine has nine corners. The angles and sizes of the lines should be exactly what they are. That is, certain Universal truths are encoded in their arrangement.

In the course of my study of these numbers, I found that if I superimposed a cylindrical map (with an aspect ratio of 2:1) of the planets (Mars, Jupiter, the Sun, etc.) over these numbers and draw six horizontal lines emanating from the corners of the number nine, for example, then the third horizontal lines (top and/or bottom) will be located exactly on those places where there are remarkable formations on the corresponding celestial bodies. In the case of the planet Mars, it is Mount Olympus, which is an extinct volcano and the highest mountain in the solar system; on Jupiter it is the Great Red Spot; volcanoes Patera Loki and Pele on Jupiter's moon Io; Great Dark Spot on Neptune; On the Sun, these are sunspots.

I also noticed that the spirals of the galaxies are also quite close to the horizontal lines, including the 2nd lines below and above. This can be seen in galaxies such as the Whirlpool Galaxy (M 51) and Messier 94.

The picture of the hydrogen atom also has features that match the grid of Thiaooubian numbers.

It is worth mentioning that if you place a tetrahedron in the center of the planet so that its vertices touch the surface, then the point of contact will correspond to the longitude at which the above-mentioned formations are located. You can check out the work of Nassim Haramein if you want to know more.

Another find is the following. If we take the width of the number one as a unit of length, then we get that while the lengths of “straight” (horizontal and vertical) lines are equal to integers, then the lengths of oblique lines are equal to irrational numbers. Those irrational numbers are the square roots of the following numbers: the oblique line of the digit 1 has the squared length of 2; 2 has 29; 3 has 5, 5, 8, 5; 4 has 13; 7 has 29; and 9 has 2.

I noticed these same numbers in an article about “metallic means”, and soon I discovered that in those numbers, it was as if the formula for finding the golden, silver and bronze sections, as well as the fifth section, was encoded. To do this, add the length of the oblique line to the length of the height occupied by this line, and then divide the sum by the width occupied by the oblique line.

The question remains if it is correct to measure angles in degrees. It is not known if the Thiaooubians also use degrees to measure angles. I tried to try to do 45 - 1 (because this is the very first corner in the figure one), but this did not give any clear results.

To simplify work with, I made a function in JavaScript that compares the results of the ratios between the different parameters of the Thiaooubian numbers with the constants known to us, but only the values \u200b\u200bthat I already know were found, as well as the following.

If we divide the circumference of zero - which has a diameter of 5 units and a circumference of 15.707963, which makes it the longest circumference in these digits - and divide the circumference of zero by the smallest length of the remaining digits - namely 0.8 for the number seven, then we get 19.634954, which is the area of zero - or a circle with a diameter of 5, or with a radius of 2.5.

I didn't have any more time to keep trying to find any other features of these figures. Perhaps someone will be interested in this topic, and he or she will be able to find something else.

Next, I would like to briefly mention one more thing from my life that is connected with numbers.

I used to love watching Ghost Adventures. In the third episode of the tenth season, they had a case when using the Ouija board, the word "ZOZO" was written 5 times. A total of 20 letters were used. The very word ZOZO is synonymous with "demon" for many. I was interested in this at one time, since it all reminded me of the Thiaooubian figures. "ZO" is identical in spelling to the Thiaooubian numeral


Knowing perfectly well that no hell exists, along with all its "inhabitants", I wondered if such incidents could be somehow connected with Thiaoouba. But not in the truest sense of the word. Since many people experience negative feelings when dealing with the ZOZO phenomenon, I doubt that the inhabitants of the planet of the last spiritual category can be directly connected with it.

But one more important fact must be taken into account. Thiaooubian numbers only reflect certain truths of the universe. Other people who live on other planets of the ninth category and who have absolute material knowledge, most likely also have exactly the same numbers as Thiaooubians. Why? Because the knowledge and truths of the universe are the same for everyone. Thao told Michel at the end of his journey that a conversation about ghosts could fill a whole book - there is so much to learn about the topic of reincarnation and the role of the 19 percent of electrons that return to the universe after the death of the physical body. Based on what I've heard and read about ghosts, I would guess that those 19% of electrons (ghosts) might be responsible for ZOZO. You also need to understand that, as far as I know, ghosts do not have a mind - they are just a tool that has a “memory” from a past life in a physical body, which is why they are able to visit the places where they lived. Perhaps they are able to "answer" questions for the same reason.

But there is more. Instead of saying that "ZOZO" was written 5 times, we can say that "ZO" was written 10 times. Numerologically, 20 divided by 10 gives 2, which corresponds to the number of letters in the word "ZO". The digital root, [12] or digital root, also gives the number 2. While studying the Thiaooubian numerals, I also noticed that their number two (Z) is one of the numbers whose angles “zero out” each other. The other is the number 8, which, remarkably, can also be heard about when reading people's stories about ZOZO.

Some time later, I realized that 2 is the only Thiaooubian numeral that, when placed at 0, touches the circumference of the circle with all of its 4 points.

About resettable angles. What I mean is that we can emit a ray from the center point of the two segments that bisects the angle of those two lines. If there are other such rays in the figure that look in the opposite direction - i.e. their scalar product is equal to -1 - then such rays seem to nullify each other.

In the number 8, all angles zero out the opposite angle. In the number 6, only the corners inside the rectangle are reset, but the two upper corners are not. In the number 9, all corners in the hexagon are set to zero, but not outside of it.

If anyone is interested in this topic, then I uploaded my files to my disk, from where you can download them and try to find something else.

Thank you!

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