June 10, 2023

Difference Between Meditation and Concentration



Surely many of you have heard the word meditation, and perhaps some of you have tried to practice it. But did you know that there is also concentration, and many people confuse it with meditation? Moreover, it may well be that all this time you have been practicing concentration, and not meditation.

I will refer to the experience of Michel Desmarquet, which he has recorded in detail in the book Thiaoouba: The Golden Planet, which you can download for free from a link in the description. Thao told him that the new generations on Earth were coming to a turning point and going through a process of self-examination, and they feel even more alone than the generations before them. She mentioned that if we want to "elevate" ourselves, then we need to meditate first and then concentrate. Thao said that people often confuse the two.

It turns out that my "meditation" on breathing and surrounding sounds was actually concentration, while meditation was the very state when your mind is relaxed and focused on nothing - you are just here and now. This state of mind can also be described as "I am."

As you may know from my videos, as well as from my free book “Simple Truths of Life”, based on information from Thiaoouba, I believe that everything material in the Universe is a vibration of eternal and infinite space. And as you know, vibrations have two extreme positions - ridges and troughs. They also have an average equilibrium value, where the value is exactly in the middle of the two extremes.

So, since everything is a vibration, we can observe both extremes and golden mean absolutely everywhere - in politics, on water, in the movement of planets, in the cycles of our physical bodies - everywhere.

Meditation and concentration, being part of the universe, are no exception. They are two opposite extremes - we can either focus our attention on something, or we can be relaxed, as if given over to the flow of time around us.

Meditation teaches you to be relaxed and silent. Just be present here and now.

Concentration teaches us to focus.

Sometimes it’s worth letting go of all thoughts and worries in order to see the solution to your problem.

Here, too, it is a matter of focus. When we are fixated on something, our attention is focused on that piece of thought, and we do not see the big picture.

Meditation and concentration help to expand our range of attention, plus it helps to remove the psychological barriers that can arise when the mind touches a topic that makes a person want to think about something else. Here a person learns to relate emotionally to all things equally and without prejudice.


I want to make a note that relates to my thoughts in the focus of attention video. And this can also apply to words and their meanings.

I believe that the meditating mind of a meditating person, to some extent, still concentrates on silence. If so, then in this case there is no contradiction with my video about the focus of attention. It’s just that sometimes it can be difficult to put into words what you think about these things.

And of course we still have a lot to learn and realize, and it may well be that I made small mistakes here and there.


Write in the comments if you have experience with meditation and concentration, and if so, how did it help you?

Thank you for watching!

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