June 10, 2023

Difference Between KNOWLEDGE and Belief/Faith


Good day everyone!

From Michel Desmarquet’s book Thiaoouba: The Golden Planet, you may know that there are two kinds of knowledge: material and spiritual. This knowledge is stored in our soul, also known as the Astral body. Material knowledge is erased in the device called the River of Oblivion - when a person agrees to live in a new physical body, for example. But spiritual knowledge is stored in the Astral body for all the lives that a person will live in the Universe.

Once I was thinking about the fact that since only spiritual and material knowledge is stored in our soul, this means that both faith and knowledge are encoded as material knowledge in the Astral body.

I made a mistake several years ago when I gave this thought more significance than it required. After all, although the words “knowledge” and “faith” differ in meaning, they also have unifying features.

(* And at the time of making this video, I have yet to correct that mistake in my book “Simple Truths of Life”. When I’ll have time to do it, I do not know.)

Both knowledge and faith are recorded as material knowledge in our soul, and this knowledge creates a mental picture for us in our consciousness. That mental picture can either exist outside our mind, namely in material reality, or it exists only in our consciousness and does not correspond to what exists in reality.

In fact, both material and spiritual knowledge together create ideas in our minds, mental pictures about the world around us. What I will mean by such pictures applies to both material objects and intangible concepts.

As an example, when someone talks about the shape of the Earth, I imagine a spherical object with continents, oceans and an atmosphere, and this mental picture actually exists outside of my mind - this material knowledge is knowledge. Then I can imagine how three turtles hold the Earth on their backs - if someone said that such a mental picture really exists, that our planet on which we live stands on three turtles, then that thought would be erroneous, because reality is different. But if a person were talking about the Earth standing on three turtles, which he actually saw in a toy store, then that mental picture of the toy in the store would actually be true.

So, we have two possibilities - either something exists or it doesn't; either our mental picture is reflected in reality, or it’s not. And we have several words to describe how sure we are that something exists or doesn’t exist. This confidence creates a spectrum - a scale of confidence that our mental picture really exists.

At one end of the scale is the word "knowledge". When we are sure of something, we say we know it.

Then comes the word “faith” or “belief” – I’ll use the two interchangeably here. We use these words when we have no evidence or justification for the existence of something, but inside of us we feel that it must be true.

We say we “doubt” something when we're not sure it can actually exist.

And of course these words are also used to deny the existence of something. For example, when you know for sure that something didn’t happen in your life.

This is what unites the words knowledge and faith. They are simply part of the same scale of certainty that something exists or does not exist, and they differ only in the degree of that certainty.

But there’s also the ultimate Knowledge with the capital letter. Such Knowledge is when people know all the things that exist in the Universe, including the Laws of the Universe. People can determine that they know everything there is to know in this universe when they no longer have any questions about why this or that exists or happens. Everything is interconnected, and any vibrations in the Universe one way or another manifest themselves somewhere – this reminds me of Jesus’ words that nothing is hidden. People from Thiaoouba have such Knowledge, which they repeatedly told Michel Desmarquet.


At times we may be mistaken in our conclusions, when because of ignorance we may have made an error in our theories which will prevent us from seeing the truth until we see our error. I’ll be direct and say that I am talking here about gravity; and about speeds exceeding the speed of light; and about Auras; and about some other things that I know actually exist from Thiaoouba Prophecy and from my life experience. I know about the truthfulness of Michel’s book itself through my personal experience with Thiaooubians and the knowledge gained from that experience.

This is a great moment to explain why I consider my experience with Thiaooubians to be genuine, and why what I experienced could not have been caused by something or someone else. In this segment, I will occasionally make references to my life experiences, which I wrote about in my free online book “Simple Truths of Life”; there are also several videos in which I talked about that experience.

To begin with, I will give as an example the shape of the Earth. I know that the Earth has the shape of a slightly flattened sphere (spheroid) due to centrifugal forces caused by the rotation of the planet around its axis. At the same time, I have never been in Earth’s orbit to look at our planet and make this conclusion. So why do I say “I know” and not “I believe”? It's all about common sense and logic.

I won't go into all the details, since one could write a whole book on the subject, but I'll just say briefly that: I studied physics and astronomy, and from the knowledge gained, I understand that the Earth is spherical - and common sense tells me that numerous researchers from all over the world could not be mistaken in such an obvious matter; common sense says that people have actually been sending people into Earth orbit for decades; as a child, my mother and I observed in my father’s apartment a small “star” passing through the whole sky - it was the Mir station, as my mother explained to me then; people can buy a telescope, or a camera with a large zoom, and take a photo of the ISS to prove to themselves not only the real existence of the international space station, but also the reality of space flights; then people could follow the planets of the solar system, such as Mars, and then they too would understand that Mars is spherical - why should the Earth be different?

There are many other examples of why we can logically infer the existence of something without having personal experience.

So, let’s talk about experience with the inhabitants of the planet of the ninth category - Thiaoouba.

Some might think that it was all in my imagination. For this reason, I am somewhat glad that I have a lot of experience with the imagination, because thanks to it I learned a lot about the workings of our consciousness.

I know for sure that when a person is focused on reality, then the “haze” inherent to the mind which is heavily absorbed in fantasies or abundant thoughts, dissipates, and everything that really happened becomes very clear and distinct in our minds. I’ve had cases when, with full focus on the present moment, I recalled the most insignificant details of my life from my distant childhood, and at the same time the memory was so clear that it felt like the events that surfaced to the surface of memory occurred no more than 48 hours ago.

So, there is a very clear difference between real events and imagination.

Then I know very well that I myself generate my fantasies - I am aware of what I am doing, and I am aware that the fantasies in my head occur according to my choice, and not just like that - nothing happens just like that in the Universe, since in the beginning there was the Superior Intelligence, and after his decision, the material world appeared, which he created - and it cannot be otherwise; a material thing can only be created by the decision of the mind, and not vice versa. All those visions were not generated by me; most of the time I didn't expect to get those visions at all.

Could my visions of Thao have been caused by me - i.e. be what I call hallucinations? Visions and hallucinations have the same essence for me, and I distinguish them only by the negativity of the experience. The word “vision” represents a good experience in my opinion, while the word “hallucination” would represent the experience that was not very pleasant. Thus, we see another scale, similar to the scale of confidence in the existence of something; in this case, it’s a scale of sensations from the experience of illusions.

I have had several experiences with hallucinations when I saw the clown monster "It". I’m glad about this, because from that experience I gained some knowledge about hallucinations. Firstly, I myself generated that hallucination (* a vision - if you want) - albeit not on purpose. Secondly, after I realized this, I began to do the opposite action, concentrating on the present, on what data was coming from my five senses. This helped, and the vision dissolved as the logical outcome of that choice and action. In this episode, I am absolutely sure that I myself generated that vision of It. This is logical, given everything that preceded that vision: my frequent thoughts about It, which for some reason I kept bringing back to my mind; and my slight anxiety about those thoughts. Having removed both extraneous thoughts and anxiety, the vision was gone. As for the visions from Thiaooubians, I never expected them, and nothing happened to cause my body to generate those visions.

For example, if we talk about seeing Thao's face in the middle of the day, then at that moment I was developing a website and I thought only about my work, which concerned the payment system.

The same applies to my experience when I was lying in bed and heard the word “Look!” at my right ear. It was the first and only such experience in my life.

Another important detail is that until that moment I had never experienced anything like this - no visions at all!

(* I do not consider the bright entity at the gate to be a vision, since two senses were involved and the gate actually opened against gravity).

Additionally, I mostly stopped having those visions after my 25th birthday, when I basically got all the knowledge and evidence I needed [*] from Thiaooubians, but due to my then stubbornness, I only started to change my life three years later. And it's not like I had a lot of those visions - maybe several in one year.

(* I really don't like to use this word - evidence, because I don't try to greedily look for evidence, but at the same time I don't believe in everything - I try to keep a balance)

The same applies to my experience with telepathy, when I accidentally emitted into space thoughtы of unknown contents, and then, a few days later, received a clear answer from Thiaooubians. Those two cases were the only such events in my life, and they are both absolutely logical. (* when I experienced one type of telepathy; namely, the transmission of thoughts at a distance by sending a thought stream)

Speaking of the “thought-streaming” telepathic message that I sent, it’s logical for the reason that at that moment I was concentrating on different parts of my brain, activating them, and accidentally was able to send a stream of thoughts into space. And when I received a “mental-streaming” telepathic message, I realized that behind the pronoun “we” could only be Thiaooubians, since it was after reading Michel’s book that I became very inspired and began to actively try to learn how to see Auras - which was my goal from the start; the book gave very important hints as to what one had to pay attention to in order to learn to see the Aura. Namely, the pineal gland, and perhaps the first chakra, located between our eyes, one and a half centimeters above the nose. Thao compared it to the "brain" of the fluidic body, of which the chakras are a part.


Speaking of the two telepathic messages that had been received by me in the form of a so called “voice in the head”, that voice was completely different from the “voice” that we have when reading to ourselves, or when voicing our fantasies. Before finding Thiaoouba, I had not experienced anything like this, and after my 25th birthday, I also did not receive any more telepathic messages.

The fact that I have not experienced these things before is important, as it shows that the whole experience is not the result of some illness, as some might assume.

Then all telepathic messages had a specific meaning. Moreover, I as if felt the presence of intelligence behind those telepathic messages - a very advanced intelligence.


I will also touch on the comments of a few people who suggested that my Higher-self could be responsible for those visions, and even telepathy. I, too, have had experiences with my Higher-self, which gives me the ability to see distinctive features.

But the important thing here is this.

I definitely saw Thao, who looked the same as in the drawings made by the artist "OR-RAR-DAN" under the close supervision of Michel Desmarquet (* of course, in my visions, Thao looked like a real person, not like a drawing). For this reason, people's assumption that my Higher-self is responsible for almost all of my spiritual (*as I call it) experience would mean that my Higher-self was posing as Thao - which would be a very serious mistake! In fact, that would be a lie! How could I trust my own Higher-self after this? Also, as far as I know Higher Selves can't make mistakes at all since they have Knowledge.

No, my Higher-self certainly has nothing to do with my telepathic experience, and I am almost certain that it’s not directly responsible for all other spiritual experiences with Thiaooubians.

But it’s worth mentioning one opinion saying that the Higher-self can embody itself in the material world. For example, I assume that in this video it was the Higher-self of the baby who called people for help: Jennifer Groesbeck died during an accident when her car fell into the Spanish Fork river. Her baby was rescued 14 hours after the accident. Naturally, if my assumptions are correct, the Higher-self in this case did not make a mistake, since it did not impersonate anyone in particular.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTqLp_iYpxs |



Thank you for watching!

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