June 10, 2023

People always have power


Hi all!

I'm sure you've heard of Spartacus, the leader of the largest slave and gladiator revolt in Italy in 73-71 BC. How did it happen that the slaves suddenly became free? Why couldn't those people be free before the uprising? Why does slavery even exist?

I will try to answer these questions by expressing my opinions.

You've probably heard of causation. In life, all actions and decisions have clear consequences. Further, the consequences can be either positive, when the person has made the right decision, or negative, when the person has made a mistake and suffers for it. This is one of the main foundations of how the universe works, which you need to know about. We suffer only for our own mistakes, which were made either in this life or in one of the previous ones. (*See the book "Thiaoouba: The Golden Planet").

People, as you know, often form communities and societies that become states. Since such societies include people, the aforementioned Law of the Universe acts on the whole society - but at the same time, each individual suffers and receives well-being only as a result of his own decisions and actions. Thus, the sum of absolutely all decisions and actions of absolutely all people living in a country has some influence on what is happening in that country at any particular moment in time.

By the way, some other things in nature also have their qualities due to sums of something. For example, the sounds made by different musical instruments consist of many sinusoids of different amplitudes, which give those instruments a unique sound; the white light coming into your eyes from a white wall is made up of all the colors of the visible spectrum.

Returning to the people, our decisions are also summed up to determine the average value, which moves the whole country, all people, in one direction or another.

For example, if people of a country thought well about the organization of society, took all the necessary measures so that dictators could not get into the leadership of the country (* See "Thiaoouba: The Golden Planet", "Simple Truths of Life"), then their society cannot have dictatorships.

But if people have given several oligarchs, for example, to decide the organization of society, then you should not be surprised that that group of people will write laws so that it is they who receive more benefits, and not the whole society.

This, by the way, is another important Law of the Universe, the existence of which I realized in the course of my life; it says that in any life situation a person will make a decision that he believes, based on his material and spiritual knowledge regarding that life situation, will bring him some benefit, or will not make his life worse (* This also applies to masochists, and to people who deliberately spoil their bodies and lives). This is very important to know and understand, because this law also applies to groups of people. Thus, different groups of people in society - for example, different political parties, corporations, etc. - will seek the benefit from their actions rather for themselves than for the whole society. It follows that people should strive to have as few dividers as possible in their country - for example, money, politics, religions, etc. are good examples that not only divide people, but also turn those groups within society against each other.

Accordingly, if a dictator began to rule a country, then this is the consequence of the decisions of all the people of that country. Perhaps there were people who warned the others about the red flags in their leader's decisions; maybe someone even listened to those people; but if most people did nothing to change the situation, and perhaps even were not interested in the news at all, then one should not be surprised at such a logical result.

So, people have power because the sum of their decisions affects the course of the whole country. People lose power only when they completely lose control over their physical body - an example is the film The Matrix, where people's consciousness was in an artificially created world. Since we suffer for our mistakes, the more mistakes people in society make, the longer they will have to suffer for their consequences. For example, if people have brought things to the point that a dictator has begun to rule the country, and the police do not want to take the side of the people, many of whom do not even see the true state of affairs because of the lies in the news, then it may take quite a while to achieve radical change.

Thank you for watching, and remember that any decisions you make have an impact on the world around you and the living creatures in it! You yourself will be better off if the consequences of your decisions are beneficial.

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