June 10, 2023

What Is TIME?


Good day everyone!

In this video, I will touch on the things that were described in Michel Desmarquet's book "Thiaoouba: The Golden Planet". If something is not clear to you, you can read that book – you can download it for free from a link in the description. I’ll also mention that I could be wrong in one way or another in my judgments and conclusions.

In chapter four of the book "Thiaoouba: The Golden Planet", when Thao talks about how the worlds, suns and atoms were formed over billions of years, we can find the following note: “for the Creator of course, it is eternally the ‘present’, but it is more at the level of our understanding to count by billions of years”.

As a child, I sometimes had thoughts about the impossibility of the existence of life because of time. There must always be the beginning in material life, and therefore life could not exist indefinitely, since life is cause and effect - or the interaction of many material “particles” with each other in accordance with the Laws of the Universe. Yet it’s clear that life exists. This means that the Spirit (* or Superior Intelligence) always exists - i.e. forever - and it is logical that the Universe was created by Intellect. Only the intellect can set in motion space and matter created from it.

(* this is my current interpretation of the nature of atoms and other particles from which the worlds are created - vibrations of infinite space. With the acquisition of new knowledge, this theory may somehow change).

Without the desire of the intellect to create something, everything would be motionless - which is what Thao and Thaora taught us. Thao spoke about the beginning of the creation of the Universe: “In the beginning there was nothing - all was darkness and silence.”


I've always been intrigued by the fact that in Earth's Parallel Universe time is “suspended” as Thao said. For this reason, people and other beings who accidentally got into that Universe and are still in it have no desire to eat or drink, and they don’t get old in the Parallel Universe. But at the same time, those creatures can easily move around, and it takes them, apparently, the same amount of time as in our Universe. I’ve often wondered how this is possible. I think you know that to find the speed you need to divide the distance by the time, and division by zero usually gives an “error” in calculators. Some people point out that division by zero gives negative and positive infinity, depending on whether the dividend is less than zero or not.

My thoughts about the Universe and the Superior Intelligence, who exists forever, led me to a very simple conclusion - that from which the material particles were “created”, also exists forever!

In the book Thiaoouba Prophecy, Thao very often uses the word “vibration”. Reading the book, you can conclude that everything is a simple vibration! And this is logical.

The Thiaooubian numbers, for example, explain why zero is a circle. This form has no corners, no beginning and no end. It is “eternal”. Approximately the same thing happens with the “foundation” of all matter - with space - it is eternal and can neither be created nor destroyed - it simply exists, just like the Spirit.

(* give a link to a video about numbers from Thiaoouba)

If I am right in my reasoning that matter is just a vibration of infinite space, then this could mean that nothing really moves - or moves, but very little - and the vibrational information is only transmitted “further” in space. Like a wave from a thrown stone on the surface of a quiet lake. Molecules in water waves move in a circle and, by and large, remain approximately in the same place, only information moves - i.e. wave.

(* Molecules can also spiral in a wave, which will dislodge them. We don't need elaborate examples at this point in time.)

This means that when, say, a ball flies in the air, there is a movement of waves (*vibrations that make up the ball) in space; The ball, roughly speaking, like a wave, is created in front, and then created again and again as it moves.

The Four Forces of the Universe, as well as other force fields, also play their part in the movement and in the interaction of different vibrations with each other.

I must say that it helped me to better understand the so-called "trans-substantiation". This is a technique that allows you to instantly (* well, or almost instantly - I'm not sure) move in space between stellar domains - namely, you must first fly out of the star system and only then use trans-substantiation - otherwise the device will explode. Michel Desmarquet said so in his audio interview.

Also, if the phenomenon of so-called spontaneous teleportation is real, then perhaps it could also be explained by the vibrational nature of matter.

Are my assumptions correct? This is where research and experimentation is needed.

I will also add that Thiaooubians have the term “cold magnetic force”. This is the same force we call “gravity”. They are able to neutralize the cold magnetic force by raising certain high frequency vibrations to become “weightless”. Thus, even gravity is actually a vibration too! Thao said that our scientists made certain mistakes, and I think that our scientists' modern opinion about the nature of gravity is one of them.


Reflecting on my realizations, it became clear why time does not exist and everything is eternally present. As well as why time is suspended in the Earth's Parallel Universe, but people who are stuck there can still move freely in space.

What we call time is only a period of something that comes back to its original state. We take one such period as a unit.

If my assumptions about the vibration of infinite space are correct, then there is the smallest vibration in the Universe, which is the basis and the smallest unit of time.

An example of other periods is the revolution of the planet around its axis and the revolution of the planet around the sun.

A second, for example, is “the duration of 9 192 631 770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium-133 atom.”

Time can be compared to the clock speed of computers, which is achieved thanks to an oscillator. In short - during many cycles, different operations are performed, the result of which is then displayed on the screen.

So, we could assume that there are several “oscillators” in the Universe, which set in motion different types of matter. It seems that in the Parallel Universe the “oscillator” responsible for the movement in the physiological body (* and possibly in some other bodies of people. A human being consists of 9 bodies. Animals have 3.) either doesn’t exist, or is stopped; that’s why people in that place have no desire to eat and do not feel pain. “Movement”, or the work of their internal organs is stopped, and they do not send any signals to the brain.


From this it follows that the perception of time depends on how many such periods - or vibrations - are processed by the brain per unit of time.

I recently heard about a study that says that the perception of time in some animals is different from that of humans. For a fly, for example, time moves several times "slower" than for us. They see everything in “slow motion” and therefore have enough time to dodge the fly swatter.

(* from our point of view. To their perception, everything moves at normal speed).

For other animals, such as the turtle, for example, time, on the contrary, moves “faster” in relation to our perception. They see everything in accelerated motion relative to our perception of time.

Perception also has to do with how we perceive the world around us. When Thao created the illusion for Michel, she said that she could make him believe that the comet didn't burn his face, but froze him. This led me to think - why do we feel the world the way we feel it? Considering that everything material was created by the Superior Intelligence, then for sure he had to make a choice in favor of one sensation, and not another. For example, we could feel cold when the rise of temperature, and we’d feel hot with the drop of temperature.

I also know that there are people who, due to mutations in DNA, can easily eat food that is perceived as bitter by most other people. This is one of proofs how the same thing can be perceived in absolutely different ways.

Then there are people who have synesthesia. Such people see sounds, for example; or letters of the alphabet for them are associated with certain colors.


Before we get too far away from the topic of periods of infinite space, I would like to express my thoughts on what Thao said about the creation of the universe by the Superior Intelligence: “Once he [the Superior Intelligence] had an overall view of what he wanted to create, he was able, by his exceptional spiritual force, to create, instantaneously, the four forces of the Universe.

‘With these, he directed the first and the most gigantic atomic explosion of all time - what certain people on Earth call ‘The Big Bang’.”

Now the word “instantly” seems very logical, because then, when the four forces of the Universe were created, the Universe itself did not yet exist, and, accordingly, all space was motionless, and everything was “darkness”: “In the beginning there was nothing but darkness and spirit ". And darkness is, in fact, the absence of data, and, if you like, the absence of motion. Only after the creation of the four forces of the Universe, the Spirit was able to set the space in motion - it began to oscillate, vibrate; periods have emerged - what we call time. The forces themselves, I assume, keep the vibrations of space in one place in relation to each other, and also move these vibrations when required by the Law of the Universe (* someone would say "physical laws") - but this is just my hypothesis. And what we see, hear, touch, smell and feel is only an interpretation of these different vibrations.

Of course, there’s also the question of what those four forces were created from?

It turns out that we have the Spirit, which, it should also be noted, had the imagination before the creation of the Universe - otherwise the Spirit would not have been able to invent it; then we have the space from which everything material was created; and finally, we have that from which the four forces of the universe were created. All three seem to exist forever.

Here we can also say about the Thiaooubian digit zero, which is a circle. Zero is also “nothing”. Zero is the only Thiaooubian number that has no corners. Further, being a circle, zero is an “eternal” figure, which has neither beginning nor end. For these reasons, I think that zero may mean the original still space, when the universe did not yet exist. The rest of the numbers, perhaps, are somehow related to the created Universe.


I sometimes get the idea that life is a kind of film, embodied in the flesh from the imagination of the [Superior Intelligence], where the high resolution of the eyes, the sensitivity of the ears, etc., allow us to have a clear and uninterrupted mental picture - meaning we don’t see individual building blocks from which the material world is created - cells, atoms, etc.

For an analogy, I’ll use the pixels that create an image on the monitor screen, and if the screen resolution is high enough, and we ourselves are at the right distance from it, then we will see a clear continuous image - and we will not see individual pixels. Life could consist of geometric shapes, or of waves instead of creatures, but would it be interesting to experience, to feel such a life? Would it be interesting for us to play and look at 3 pixels on a black screen? The answer, by the way, is positive. When we were just developing computer technology, people really played such games - ping-pong, for example - and they were interested, and some are still interested. Can we draw conclusions about whether other Universes existed before our Universe, and if so, what did they look like?

Then, if an artist draws a non-existent creature, he will not be able to feel what it is like to be that creature - he can only imagine what it is like to live in the body of that creature. The Universe allows the Spirit to experience what it is like to really live in the body of all the beings that he imagined before the creation of the Universe.


We have come to the end of this video. Thank you for watching!

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